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Old 05-15-2012, 03:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Drives: '09 370z White Auto
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Default Never thought I would buy a white, auto Z, but I LOVE IT NOM NOM

Hey all! I'm new to the forum and thought I would say hi. My last three cars have been manual and bright colored, 94 red camaro (what a crappy car), 96 red Eclipse (ehh it was ok), and 04 yellow Tiburon (OMG I loved that car, they never get enough credit). I knew it was time for a significant upgrade, and for me it was really between the Z and the Camaro. I'm an Electrical Engineering major, and the Z's VVEL, Intelligent Key, and other tech goodies really turned me on (I also never mod my cars so I'm not worried about that stuff getting in the way). I love the styling of the Camaro, but the Z is just freaking gorgeous, significantly faster, and honestly I feel like it's one of the most advanced consumer cars on the market.

I never thought I would buy an automatic, though. I used to be one of those automatic haters. I've always known that autos can be better than human shifters, but was never willing to think about getting one myself. I guess the SEVEN really got my attention though. And I just wasn't super impressed with the manual on the Z. The Tiburon's 6-speed put the Z's manual to shame in my opinion. When I tested out the auto it was just so much more fun and effortless. And I'm glad I got it because the shifts are RIDICULOUSLY fast and responsive, and it just seems right at home in the middle of a sophisticated tech car. My non-car friends really go googley over the paddles too.

I also never thought I would get a white car. I feel like a lot of people reduce their very sexy sports car to a mediocre, nobody-will-ever-look-at-it blob by getting grey or some other muted color. My dad has always had bright (red or yellow) sports cars, and I noticed how people who don't know cars always thought my last three cars were really fast or nice just based on the color. So I started looking for a red Z, but none were really out there that I could get. I saw a white one at night, and I was sold right away. It's the perfect color for this car! And the metallic and pearlescent tone to it means it's anything but a dull, dead white. It has a ton of body and really shows off the lines of the car the best, easily. PLUS I'm a huge Portal fan, and I think the white Z looks like a portal gun, so I'm going to put a white Aperture Science on the back window and see if I can get a few laughs...

Anyways, I could gush about the Z all day, but it's amazing and I'm very very glad I got it. Thanks for the awesome forum, and I'm excited that there's so much info on this car from people who actually own/mod/drive them! Here's a couple pics for right now.

I'm really loving this shot I took last night too:

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