Eh...maybe some of you are right in that my comment came off harsh but I won't take back the meaning of the post.
Serge - US highways and drivers are very unlike what you'd find in Germany. Given the social immaturity of most Americans, an environment like the Autobahn would never work here.
Have I ever driven recklessly? Yes. Have I done stupid things? Yes, plenty of them over the years. I was just lucky enough to not get wrecked, arrested, or ticketed in the process. And yes, from time to time I still drive recklessly in the eyes of the law.
We all should have some self indication of common sense though. 100+mph on an empty road with plenty of sight distance and 100+mph blowing by traffic are both legally reckless. Some would say the former is dumb and dangerous and thats fine - I and probably most other people on this forum would disagree. The problem is that not everyone agrees that the latter is just plain stupid.
So Ginga, what I really meant was...please be careful. 5th gear all the way bro, if it works for you.