Originally Posted by kenchan
mr.zman- i liked my R2C intake when i had it.  the IAT wasn't that much higher than stock. stock is like 15-17F higher than ambient at around 60F ambient going normal traffic. it's hard to tell how much higher unless you compare back to back as engine heat does not go up linearly.
anyway, it was just too much noise for me at higher rpm...i like it quieter.
ive done that while squatting down to clean my wheels. scared the shittoes.  since i was in my garage. hahaha. 
Ken-san do you have a good recommendation for checking the stock temps before I install the intake and then afterwards? I don't have anything with remote sensor though. Also, when you say higher RPMs, how high? I'm hoping its slightly louder but close to stock up to about 3K RPMs, maybe 3500 - above that I don't care how loud it gets
It usually happens when I'm digging around the computer closet, but I've done the same thing myself in the garage

Its pretty loud with the garage door down, too.