Got my exhaust installed @ Performance Motorsports in Smithtown, Long Island this past week and ran into a couple of fitment issues. Now, I'm not sure if these "issues" are actually normal or require some sort of remedy to correct?
1) The fitment of my left tip seems pretty dead center inline with my rear valence, but the clearance from the top of the tip to the bottom of the valence seems a bit close (approx 1/4 inch).

2) The fitment of my right tip seems to be completely off. No matter how much I adjusted the tip itself, it still pulled to the left. Also, along with being off center in regards to the valence, the top to bottom clearance was none existent as compared to the 1/4 inch I had on the other side(which also seemed a little close).

3) One of the 3 screw in bolts on both tips was not machined completely(as pointed out by the tech) to allow any adjustment via allen wrench.
If anybody experienced the same issues please chime in. Hopefully Tony or some other members can help remedy this problem. As of now it's not really an issue, more of an annoyance. But when i decide to throw a rear diffuser on, it definitely will be. P.S. I am running the 4.5 inch rolled tips
Another look