Originally Posted by Alchemy
Mr. Alchemy errr I mean Alcheng, blank rep is from me.
Man I wish I could rep comment from my phone 
LOL.. thank you for the rep
Mr.Alchemy!!! Time for you to get an Android with Opera Browser...
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Ooooh, never knew that trick. Too bad Im outta rep 
You can try the trick when repping me 24hrs later...
Originally Posted by happytheman
Here's one of the Tire Kingdom's "impossibile" damages.

Holy f@@k that's impossible to happen and accept!!!! When are you going to have them repaired??? Gotta do it ASAP before those
Tire-KingDUMB ppl forgot the incident...
Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
So... 5.0 is almost all ready for ZDayZ.
Thanks to Ryan (Alchemy) for setting me up with his friend who made the extra large club decals. 
Hey Steve...

on the stickers.. You really need a Z to emphasize the sticker...
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Holy F1 qualifying!!!
I missed the qualify this am...

Hamilton got pushed to the back of the grid.... mmm.... Lotus....
How are everyone this evening??