Originally Posted by kenchan
hi mr.alcheng!  was pretty much in meetings all afternoon, then got gas in my G, then washed my G as soon as i got home, installed the BT odb2 module in my Z  , updated my new 5" nuvi, and got the gauges to work.  very happy.
im getting my new Droid4 tomorrow. woohooo~ my droidx died today due to hardware issues. i couldn't get a shot from my camera so the nuvi pict will need to wait until tomorrow, i guess. anyway, i will pair that to my nuvi too i guess. lol so far, very happy with my decision.
i need to buy me that car cradle for my G next. 
Originally Posted by kenchan
wtf, noone's congratulating me for the new gear i got for my z? what kind of a shitty place is this?

Congrats on the Nuvi and the OBD-II!!! I bet you must be having fun seting up the two and busy poking the Nuvi's screen. LOL!!
I've been trying to look for a car mount for you and after some research through some PDA forum (including the famous xda-forum), I am suggesting you the OEM Droid 4 car mount by motorola. The OEM one comes with a single arm means it is more sturdy thus it will have less vibration.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Walkway1 by J M Gale, on Flickr
The dirt has been smoothed out, ready for seed, just need to cut a few bricks and call it done  the bricks look like they are a different colour, but they are actually the same, they just need to get hosed off.
Walkway2 by J M Gale, on Flickr

Your detailing products are ready, your walkway is ready... my beers are ready... when is the BBQ ready???

Got a call from the service department today, most likely the Z won't be ready until next Tue or Wed.....

Driving the Altima right now, but the sunny&warm weather just making me missing the Z very much.....
BTW, if some of you receive a rep from "gnehcla" ... please spell it from right to left... yes, a Friday rep trick from the
repwhore LOL