Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
I understand what you're saying. Relative to the S2000 the 370Z feels like a GT car. There's really no getting around that. If you want to be happy with it I'd try not to compare it to the S2K. You get yourself in financial trouble that way. I always thought of my Z less as a sports car and more as a grand-touring type, because that's really how it felt to me.
I run into trouble sometimes because I will start comparing the feel of the S2000 to my 5.0. How can I get the 5.0 to feel like the S2000? It just won't happen. My suspension guy also tends to serve as my therapist since I talk to him about this a few times a month.
I definitely love having both, though. No compromise. 
There is a way to get the steering feel of an S2000 into the mustang, but it is going to literally require installing the s2000 in the mustang