Originally Posted by Triple's
I would say to go with grade 8 bolts.
But in the event of an accident?
Isn't your seatbelts and airbag supposed to keep you in place to certain degree?
I don't see an issue but to use stronger bolts But thats just me.
Again do it at your own risk 
yep, the seat is very solid. one wouldn't notice it had spacers on the rail at all. frankly, the bolt breaking is the least of my worries. the bolt i bought from Acehardware has a stamp "8.8".
another member posted that the bolt would shear off.. "shearing off" is the wrong terminology in this case as the seat will not be sliding forward. the rear part of the rail would pull up in the event of a forward impact crash as the seat rail pivots at the front mounting bolt. i believe front anchors are on an angle for this purpose. the rear bolt is there to anchor the seat in up/down movement, not forward/aft.