Never had this problem on the 09 or the 11. I drive hard. I drive up on hills. I DON'T let my gas tank go close to empty. I watch my miles and fill after I have driven approx 200-240miles. I assume there will be 100 to 160 miles in the gas tank depending on how hard I drive my Z.
I bought this car knowing it had, brake cooling, fuel, consumption, oil heating limp mode, fuel starvation and steering wheel lock issues. I never seen a perfect jdm sports car so I buy expecting to have to fix a couple of strange issues on them. I have been modding my car in order to resolve the above issues first. I either have parts installed or have parts ready for install, minus the fuel starve issue, which I take fill up precautions. If there is a fuel pump mod? I will seriously consider it?
Steering lock sucks hard and I'm glad I haven't had to deal with it. The others, you just have to mod these issues out.