Had 370Z Sunroof Installed
Had a Webasto 321L sunroof installed yesterday at Auto FX in Tacoma, WA and have attached some photos. Please no posts about whether a sunroof belongs in the 370Z - it is a matter of personal preference and really doesn't have an answer. However, if Porsche offers sunroof options on their $100,000 Carrera I think it is fine for the 370Z.
To answer some anticipated questions.
1) I watched them remove the section of roof and their are no structural components in the section they take out. There is a small aluminum roof stiffener that is no longer needed with the sunroof.
2) You are adding about a total of 20-25 lbs when the job is completed. It will be less if you go with the medium 321. Frankly, I was surprised that the larger sunroof fit but I think it looks great.
3) Webasto manufactures 50% of the worlds factory sunroofs so they seem to know what they are doing.
4) With the sunroof closed, the car is just as quiet as it was before. In fact,
when the shade is pulled you just forget that it is there. Have experineced no rattles at all.
5) Controls are great. You can preset two positions (and has other buttons to open it as little as you want) - I have them set for vent and full open and when you turn off the ignition the roof automatically closes.
6) The rollo shade works fine and is the same color as the interior.
Last edited by jpit; 08-27-2009 at 12:40 PM.