Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
So Mazoc usually sticks together for the entire event. The night we arrive Jon (ZCarMan) and his wife Pat graciously provide a steak & baked potato dinner for the cruise participants to top off our caravan down. Then for all subsequent lunches and dinners we all kind of supply our own food + extras to share. We grill at the cabin and end up with a ton of food for everyone to go to town on.
Obviously on Friday and Saturday we have the banquet dinners at the rec center, but the other dinners and lunches are sort of a collective effort.
If you plan on joining us my recommendation is just to bring what you would like to throw on the grill to eat and a little extra to share. We always seem to end up with an excess of food but it works out nicely. Its like a full week of Thanksgiving... lots to eat!
Sounds good Steve, see y'all down there. Ill stop at the market and pick up whatever looks