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Old 05-05-2012, 06:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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Drives: 370z Touring w/Sport
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Doepey is on a distinguished road
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Default My morning with my 370z

Before i start this post, I apologize for my grammar and spelling in advance. =)

This morning my 370z decided to leave me stranded out in the middle of a desert... also known as Ewa Beach. On my way to flight school I decided to pull into 711 and grab Snack+Drink. After purchasing a Beef Taquito and a Mango Xenergy I got back into my car and pushed the start button.... this is what happened...

Doepey: *furrows eyebrows* "heh...".
Doepey: "Again..... and nothing.... ok wtf".

Goes through "How to start a 370z checklist"

Step 1: Key... right here.
Step 2: Clutch pressed fully to the floor.
Step 3: Pushy the button.

Doepey: "Hmmmmm nothing.... lets try that again... a bit slower"

Step 1: Key... this time in fobgina.
Step 2: Clutch+brake all the way down.
Step 3: Watch finger as you press Start button (Telekinesis should kick in and give it some extra motivation.... and....)

Doepey: "Wow, still nothing... what the F!".

I did notice that my key ignition indicator light came on... So the next thing I did was read through my user manual to figure out another way to start my car with no luck. I changed my remote batteries (Thanks Steve), checked the fuses... unplugged the battery for 10 minutes... all to no avail. I resorted to these forums to see if anyone else had been gifted this wonderful experience... yes... wow it happens a lot... Apparently the wheel locking mechanism on the Z (if not working properly) will prevent you from starting your vehicle as an Anti-Theft measure. I couldn't even turn power on to roll my windows back up.... arghh. All is well though... at least I can't steal my car.

Anyways, Here's how to fix if you have this issue.
Step 1: Call Tow Truck = $150.00
Step:2: Enjoy Beef and Cheese Taquito and luke warm Xenergy = $5.00
Step 3: Talk to dealer = $85.00
Step 4: Wait till Monday when they can actually work on it.

I thought about trying to push start it (i know it says not to in the Owners Manual) but... i since I couldn't even turn the power to on... that wouldn't work anyways.

I wanted share this experience mainly to say thank you to everybody in Hawaii that was willing to help me out. Hope you all enjoyed my story... i tried to make it a little humorous for you guys... weekend just started... plenty of it left to make up for a bad start =)

Last edited by Doepey; 05-05-2012 at 06:18 PM.
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