Originally Posted by axio
Yes, I understand that. So basically the best option then, for use that don't have a spare working steering lock, is to use the harness, no switch, and not even park in a spot that is steep enough where we should consider curbing our tires because there is no guarantee the steering wheel will stay in that same position should something happen.
I mean I get it. The risk of activating the switch is that it might never unlock. So I guess I should just park on flat land and keep looking for a parking lot in SF instead of the street! 
do you have a RC car or any model car where the front tires turn? if so, place it on a floor next to a wall and pretend you are parking that car on an incline. turn the front tires away from the wall and pull the car back. you will see that the tires catch the wall and steering does not turn the other way.
same if you point the tires towards the wall and push forward. the tire will just bite into the wall, given that the model's tires are pretty sticky.
you shouldnt have issues parking your car without the steering lock if you let the tires bite into the curb a little bit by rolling it forward/aft as you normally would. just give it a try on your car without turning the car off. it's the same as if the steering lock is completely deactivated from the car.