Originally Posted by Econ
No, never been on anything but a mountain bike, which i assume is a little slower than a liter bike.
I really want a Ducati 1098, however don't want to have to purchase learner bikes. Cheap and Lazy i suppose. I assumed I could just be responsible with it.
It wind up being a huge risk as a noob. Having a solid understanding of how to modulate the throttle, how to behave mid turn, etc is crucial before getting on something like that.
It can be done (and has been done) with perfectly fine results...but unless you have that understanding beforehand, you usually wind up never becoming a very good rider because you can't push a bike like that anywhere near it's limits.
There's also no reason to add the extra stress of knowing that a small flick of the wrist will literally plant you on your back at most speeds below 60