Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Uh oh! Que paso?
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Uh oh! I hate that view! Did you tell him you were in labour?
Originally Posted by ZMan8
What did you do Mr. Onzedge?
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Hope you smoked that fool 
Originally Posted by alcheng
I don't know you can get ticketed of having PSS...
Seriously, Mr.onzedge, what happened???
Originally Posted by Alchemy
No reply from Mr. onzedge yet. He must be locked up! Who's got bail $$$ 
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
I got $5 on it.
Hopefully dropping my car off tonight for cbe installation tomorrow.
Thanks for all of the good wishes and bail money offers.
It’s true: The first question the nice Rocklin Police Officer asked was "Are those Super Sports?", followed by "Show me your Konis".
I was on my way to a client this afternoon and this bozo in a Camry was first tailgating and then got alongside and was pacing me regardless of my speed. that kind of stuff really bothers me so I decided to get away from that car. (I was not racing in any way). Alas, I was not paying attention and was driving a bit spiritedly. He asked if I knew why he was pulling me over and I said "I was being stupid". He agreed. I apologized and called him sir in every sentence. (he was half my age if that). I also told him that I am a careful driver with a clean record, but that I will accept the consequences.
He went back to his car and ran me. I hate that waiting part -- wondering if I have any warrants I have forgotten about, etc.
He came back, told me that he is warning me, but that he could have written me up for 55 in a 40 just on what he saw. I said "at least that... Oops, I mean -- thank you officer".
I then told him I would be more careful and he wished me a good day.
Sorry the story is not more exciting. I could not post more detail earlier, being onsite and all.
Thanks for reading.
onzedge has written