Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Like any of us on here really NEED a 2 seat sport car to begin with???? Its an ego purchase. All of us... no exceptions. We may like the sport of driving but that sport alone is 90% ego. Buying this type of car is a money loss. We could have all bought a certified used altima and got more functionality and warranty. But some of us say" there's nothing like buying new" blah blah blah. That's alotta smoke. New or used a car is the same if it comes with warranty. When you pick leather in any car. You lose money. Nav, you lose money. The depreciation rate is usually similar throught a lineup so u lose the same amount of money.
If it was all about saving cash why aren't all of you driving 2.0 gencoupes. They can be had for 25kotd brand new with a lil hustle to your game??? All you guys are doing is passing judgement because a sports car is no investment. Or any car for that matter. If we aren't buying nissan versa's to get around? We are just buying what we like. USUALLY BUYING WHAT WE LIKE WASTES MONEY. Cuz a decently equipped versa can be had for 15kotd and it will get us around to where we need to go.

In reality it is can you get from point A to point B w/o any problems or worries. A lot of us are very fortune & lucky to be able to afford & drive what we have. I say about 90-99% of the things we buy are overrated & a waste of money, but we still buy them. Why is this? B/c we can & it makes us happy & we feel better about ourselves. Yeah we might regret what we purchased here & there, but we live on & it brings a smile to our faces.