Originally Posted by italy3541
there are many of us on here that do installing and in depth wireing for a living, and also a few of us that have built cars that have gotten the cover to super street magazine.... a lot of us just choose not to post or give info all the time unless we are asked.. main reason is there are a lot of different opnions when it comes to audio and electronics.. there isnt much you can say on here without someone starting a argument about it.. that being said, the guys work from what iv seen is not bad at all.. but that was a very bold statment saying he is the best.. from what i have seen he does a decent job at basic installs.. but there is a difference between doing this on the side for fun, and doing this for a living and building custom cars for very picky clients...
it is no different than being able to install a turbo kit or being able to build a engine, there are people that can do it and do it well, and then there are the top end shops who do it day in and out for top end clients.. the level of the 2 is miles apart from fabrication to troubleshooting and overall quality.. that is also the reason for top notch anything costs a lot.. you are paying for that persons experiance and ability..
i am not trying to take anything away from anyone who does things on their own.. but any statement that says someone is the best hands down without knowing who else is on here to me is a ignorant statment.. i have been a installer for 13years now, and have done many many many cars and all kinds of builds.. and i would never in a million years claim to be the best... just saying..
I totally agree…………I give him a little credit for trying to correct obvious errors on his “Car Audio 101” Post by inserting ”Music Compression UPDATE 3/2012”……….Must be nice when you can have the “Post Reply(s)” with corrections deleted, insert an update and then have the “Post Closed”!!