I was at 300whp on 91 octane running PPE LTH's, Motordyne Y pipe w/ cat, and Tanabe exhaust untuned. IT was on a dynojet and my baseline was at 270.
That pulley should show gains throughout the powerband. I wouldn't think you would need retuned if you installed just pulleys. Can anyone else verify? I say this because it isn't a breather mod, it's reducing inertia... it's in the same category as lightweight flywheels driveshafts (in my head anyways).
I had mine done with AEM CAI's and I averaged 10whp until about 6500 rpm, then it was as high as 16 whp. I would say most of those gains before 6500 were attributable to the pulleys I went with.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
