Originally Posted by ZMan8
H&R I think drops it 1.5" in front, swift does 1.25" in the front. I would only get 15mm spacers in the front. Besides, the front doesn't bother me as much as the rear.
you should be fine, i thinks.
wat bothers you about the rear? the camber setting or ...(?)
Originally Posted by alcheng
Mr.kenchan, too bad I am not using open lugs.. so will have to talk to the mechanic to see if it's safe to take off that 5mm...
The Link P9 is definitely much better, lighter and easier to fold... better style too  Good Luck on the purchase Mr.kenchan 
mr.alcheng, if you do plan to use open lugs and sandwich a 5mm spacer, i highly recommend the muteki steel lugs. duraliumium ones are imho too soft to do anything other than full thread.
yah, i like the Link P9 better... will see if a shop would let go the P8 for cheaper than 700... then it might make sense to get the dahon..hummmm....