Originally Posted by onzedge
Go tear up the rarified air of this Sunday morning, Mr Kenchan. 
thank you, mr.onzedge. i didn't leave any ribbons but did make some noise.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
^^ What he said. 
thank you, mr.gale.

i had a great time.
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Good morning sir
And a very good morning to you as well Mr Gale
Im heading outside shortly to trim back the forest that is growning into my driveway seeing as how its surounded by woods. Lots of pricker bush branches have been trying to ruin my Z's paint. A few have managed to leave a few little scratches  Its time to exact my revenge on those bastards. I also need to rake out the stone at the end of the driveway, its a bit tore up and Im starting to bottom out. I know the Konis didnt lower it that much but it sure feels like it. Im scraping everywhere since the install. After I finish my duties as a homeowner Im gonna wash the Z and take her out for some pics. Havent got some good new shots in quite sometime.
Hey Ken, when you return from your drive let me know how you dealt with Plasti Dip overspray. I remember it really p1ssin you off  . I was pretty careless when doing my mirrors and got some on each door
GMORNING to everyone else 
thanks, mr.alchemy.

LOL@over spray.

jk. i used RC car motor spray (can be had at your local hobby store that sells RC cars/trucks). works the best. then re-waxed. it was a hUGE PITA!

huh, i thought the koni's only lowered maybe 1/4" on the front?

anyway gl with the brush trimming too.