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Old 04-29-2012, 11:25 AM   #1 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Drives: 2010 370Z NAG 7AT
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Default My First Track Day ...

Had my first ever track experience the other day, and I had an absolute blast. It was at Summit Point in West Virginia on the main course. Met up with ResIpsa who was kind enough to jockey around a few cars so we could park next to him. I was amazed at how many cars were there, empty spots close to the pits were non-existent so props to him for doing that. I have VBD Graphics doing some things for the car, but for now I just had them do number placards. They told me they would send them down to the track with Greg Shaffer, so to look for him when I got to the track on Saturday morning. Didn't dawn on me at the time that it was the same Greg Shaffer who drives the #52 370Z in the GT World Challenge Series. He was there driving a VW R32 in I think the ITA class.

Got there and took the car to the tech inspection with no problems, and then tracked down Greg Shaffer to get my numbers and put them on. I learned alot of stuff that day, one of which is I have no future career in applying vinyl graphics to cars. Close up photos would reveal what I mean, but it doesn't look bad from far away. I asked if he would mind getting a photo taken with me and my car, and he volunteered to put on his Nissan driving suit for the shot which I thought was cool.

At 10:00 was about a half hour driver meeting, and by the time I left there I was already confused on what side I was supposed to point by in the passing zones. The easiest way for me to remember, after worrying about it for an hour or so, was that it would always be the opposite of the race line. They covered alot of stuff in that brief time, and information overload was already creeping into my old brain.

Got called to grid, and was nervous as all get out. I thought I had counted 16 individuals in the room at the meeting, so my plan was to hang back and when I counted 15 cars go by me, I was going to present my grid entry card and go out there. There must have been more though, as when I got into position on the grid, it seemed like an army of cars was lining up behind me. I know I didn't want to be in the front because I was going to be incredibly slow, so wanted to be in the back.

I spent way too much time worrying about my rear view mirrors, I have to work on that. It took too much away from me focusing on the important stuff, which was what lay ahead of me, not behind me. I also struggled with looking farther down the track than just what was in front of me. I also did I terrible job of at least a quick cursory look at the flag stands each time by ... I would guess I was only about 50% which is rather pathetic, so need to focus on that for next time. There was just so much stuff going through my mind during the parade lap that I was not sure if I was coming or going. My instructor was younger fellow who drives in the NASA Spec Miata Series, so he wasn't used to a heavier RWD car with alot more power, but I think he did an excellent job helping me. Probably his biggest thing was telling me to go faster. I was reluctant to trust my grip and brakes for the first couple of laps, but I think I got a little better with each lap.

Towards the end I was getting a little bit of wheel hop in the front going into turn 5, I asked him about that when we were done and he said it felt to him like I was losing the left front under hard braking, but I am not really sure what that is telling me. Like go slower ? Or don't brake as hard ? Or is it an equipment thing that can be remedied with like a sway bar ?

I never once felt like the rear was getting away, but that could be partly due to first time out and the fact that I intentionally left my rear camber at -2.7. I felt like the rear would be like my training wheels that way. Need to get the lead out and put my rear links on and I think I am going to got -2.2 all around for next time.

The car did very well, even though I did not. I was worried about the brakes and not too worried about overheating. Especially considering it was very cool out. The opposite actually happened. The brakes held up fine, though it looks like my stock pads in the front are about 60% gone and they were brand new. My second to last lap the car went into limp mode. I nailed the gas and the car lugged it's way to about 60 MPH and then I looked at the oil temperature and it was pegged at 260. Just nursed it a little bit and the temperature dropped enough the throttle came back. I took it easy the rest of the way, but it was close to the last race speed lap anyway. So anyway, an oil cooler is next up, but I knew that. Just figured stock would hold up better than it did. I think being 7AT and my stupidity didn't help, as I was so focused on other things that it didn't dawn in me until we were done that I probably should have paddle shifted up a gear coming out of the corners instead of letting the AT wind itself out and do it for me. Just guessing though, but seems like a good analysis. I think we ended up getting 13 hot laps, not counting parade and cool down.

I had my coilovers set to 4 in the front and 2 in the rear. I don't think I will mess with that any for next time.

My little in car camera set up with the IPhone 4S and Track Addict HD worked real well...though I am running into some problems doing anything with the file from my phone due to it's file size. But I am close to overcoming that. I can watch it, I just can't export anywhere yet.

Drifting back into the racing line after completing a point by pass...

Just need to get my brakes situated to be better and do an oil cooler. I am also going to make a splitter and a rear diffuser. Would love to steal ResIpsa's design, and take it to a fabricator and get one made if it is not too expensive. But I think the front splitter is a bigger priority. Maybe the added downforce will help with the wheel hop I experienced, but I think that has more to do with the stock tires. I dunno, I am not an expert and am just trying to learn.

He looked real good out there in HPDE-3...I would be scared to death to roll with those guys though they all seem to be interested in passing anything that is ahead of them and are going alot faster than I was.

Met tons of friendly folks in the NASA community, it was very well run and organized.

So, I am definitely going back. Besides getting shot at, it was the most intense thing I have ever done in my life. I need more now.
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"I got lapped by the pace car at Summit Point. Not many can say that." -- sixpax

Last edited by sixpax; 04-29-2012 at 08:35 PM.
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