Originally Posted by kenchan
so basically turn the car to ACC (listen for the lock to wind and unlock), then unplug car harness from steering-lock, plug one end of the new bdl99-hotwire harness to the car harness and the other end to the steering-lock (?) 
Originally Posted by KaienZ34
Ok on a functioning lock with the soon to be made dummy plug/hotwire harness installed. How will we know it's working? When the car is off (w/the plug installed) we shouldn't have a key light on and we should be able the turn the wheel? Will this tell us what we want to know?
That's the idea. The steering wheel should move freely as if the lock doesn't exist, and the light *should* remain off.
This is why I wanted to try to get a couple of plugs first so I could do some R&D first, then share my findings... I don't want to cut up my wire harness to do testing.
I'm assuming from the fix Frtiz has suggested that the 2 wires that go to the BCM and IPDM will stil register unlocked. I don't know if there will be problems down the road because the BCM is also monitoring the driver door, ignition, key, etc... It may throw a code or service light... Not sure. If someone is willing to cut a wire, we'll have another tester...