Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
I am a speed junkie I will be the first to admit it. But man is it costing me.....
I have had some wicked tickets back in my day, and still do.
Today got clocked 65 in a 35. Have to go to court to fight it so i do not get points, as my insurance is already high enough.
Anyone else have this problem? Any advice? 
I feel your pain with this one. I think some of the advice offered here is good..But, I would certainly get an attorney to represent you if the plan is to fight the ticket.
I have received tickets in both NJ & NYC and in both events the attorney(cost was about $500) was able to negotiate the ticket down to a lesser offense with zero points. Unfortunately, the local Prosecutor and Judge generally are not motivated to do that without an attorney.
Bottom line the additional amount paid for the legal rep. saved me money on my insurance for the next 3 years.