Originally Posted by jboffill
Just received a call from the shop telling me that my car is ready for pick up  . Its been in the shop since 3/20/2012 due to one guys that was texting and hit me going about 45+ miles an hour.
Originally Posted by jboffill
Man to be honest with you at the time of the accident the only thing i could think of was my car. Later in the day my lower back starting hurting really bad. Went to the ER and they told me everything was fine but i needed to take a few days off from work to let my lower back muscles to relax. They gave me a nice little cocktail of meds  and i was good for a while. I have been going to the Chiropractors since the date of accident. My back still hurts a little but I will be alright.
Again thanks for the support Ive gotten from you guys.
Hey jboffill, hope your car is back to normal when you get it back! Glad to hear you're ok!

In for pics!