Originally Posted by F.I. Inc.
Little Update-
Personally: for the few of you who knew my Dad had quadruple bypass heart surgery last Friday, thank you for your prayers. Everything went well and he is recovering. He will be back to driving me nuts in no time.

That's great news Tony, really glad it went well
Originally Posted by F.I. Inc.
Little Update-
As of today we should be finalizing the deal to move in to our new facility which will take us from 3,000 sq ft to 7,000 sq ft. We will start the move on May 1st and should be up and running by July 1st. For the locals and anyone who wants to drive, there will be a grand opening/bbq/car show sometime this summer. This is a move that is long overdue.
Hey Tony Congrats on the Shop upgrade

Where abouts are you moving to? Oh yeah, count me in on the BBQ
See you next Friday