Originally Posted by ZMan8
thats why i dont dd the Z, to many idiots with a license
EDIT: that's my thing with gun laws. Illinois no concealed weapon laws and hard to get a license to own one, but they hand out driver's licenses to everybody just like that. A 16 year old with a car is more deadly then a guy carrying a gun. [end of rant]
^^ this is very true.
especially these days with celphones and texting it's much worse than it was when the ofc were kids. we had no celphones, we had CB radio's if you were lucky.
blackberries were fruits. i read a study on cnn yesterday(?) which found teenage girls are more distracted than boys while driving.
i too hate driving my Z during rush hr traffic. this is why if i take a day off to enjoy
i only go out during geezer hour (9am-11:30am). i rarely take my car out late at night (drunk drivers), or very early morning hours (overhung drunk drivers).
it's just not worth the trouble to me.
i worry about my G everyday when i take her to and back from work...but wat can i do?