Good moaning all
Originally Posted by happytheman
I usually cannot check the site during work. It's a rare day when I take a moment to. I sometimes take a couple of minutes durin lunch to read, but definitely at the end of the day, and that's usually a 10 page power read!
Did I really bust your happy bubble with the no 285/35 option? I'll be honest, I was pretty displeased about it myself. Enough so that I emailed Michelin to ask 'em "what's up wit that?"!
If only thier bosses knew what they were doing on company time...haha. I wonder how many really know that most companies IT Security division can and do see everywhere and everything that is viewed and typed on their company computers. Makes me wonder in this jobless nation how peeps take for granted thier job security.
The stock size Michelin PSS just will look WRONG on my current setup. 25mm spacers in rear with RE-11's 285/35. Side by side with PSS and 20mm spacers.... mine looks like something is happening out back. Prolly look towards the Bridgestone’s S04's.
Originally Posted by onzedge
..........So, I am in the application process for a Masters of Fine Arts program at Brooks Institute to go work on a degree in photography. I have not decided for sure, but am going through the process.
Originally Posted by onzedge
It is expensive and I would probably want to use the skills professionally. There's also a part of me that would allow me to spend the money and get the degree just for the experience. I think I am still in the grips of my mid-life crisis that began when I turned 40 (11 1/2 years ago).
Props to you Mr. onzedge

It's not often one can pursue their hobby and make a go at it as their profession.
oh.... and noice avatar, was wondering when you going to the fat man....can he sing? Sponorship? Will you share some of that royality check?