Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Exactly why I'm doing it now for like $150 even if it is just for 2 laps. I know for sure that whatever car I get next, I will be tracking it. Will most likely be a GT-R so it should be fun.
Honestly? I'd seriously recommend something cheaper. Its easier to learn to drive fast, in a slower car. You can get some crapbox Miata which all the parts will cost you jack diddly (ESPECIALLY tires), and not be afraid of putting it into a wall....much :-p
Seriously, just get one for 1 or 2 seasons, and it'll be a lot easier on you. My buddy's shitty integra can go 2 years on a set of tires, which cost him a whole 350-400 for a FULL SET lol. Thats like, ONE TIRE for us!

. The GT-R would hurt even more...