Originally Posted by Sh0velMan
Yes, the instructions say you can do it simply by removing the splash shield from the bottom and doing all of the work between the radiator support and the bumper cover. If you want to do that, go right ahead. I highly recommend taking the bumper off, it will make everything a lot simpler for you.
You do know what an expert is don't you? It's a has been drip, under pressure...............
Really, your not the only one who own's and installed one.

I suppose it's easier to completely disassemble something to understand it for individuals like yourself. Some of use did both the oil cooler and the intake without removing the front end, it's not a big deal. Folks like me, have been at it allot longer then folks like you for a reason! We don't make things more complicated then necessary.
Originally Posted by Sh0velMan
you absolutely have to take the bumper cover off
So you were saying?