Originally Posted by XwChriswX
I know lol but unless the cop is a real idiot, I doubt you're gonna get off.
If anything, after he does search through:
NISMO Z - Taken
NISM0 Z - Availabe
N1SMO Z - Availabe
N1SM0 Z - Taken
He's gonna be pissed and write you up just for wasting his time...

If the cop see's the plate, but doesn't pull me over. Writes down NISMO Z. Remember that I have NISMO on the rear of the Z in 2 different places. The plate frame and the factory lettering. His mind might see NISMO Z, not N1SM0 Z. He mails me the ticket. Good chance that some one else might get it. All of this is coming from a 56yr old man.
If you what to find out what plates are availabe in Pa. Here's the link to find out.