Originally Posted by LunaZ
Didn't see that blur on my iPad when I was looking in here at work, but now that I'm on my computer with a big monitor...
Are you adding the DOF after the shot?
And if so, why not just shoot it that way in the first place? I'd think with the lighting conditions in that shot, a lower f-stop would work just fine and save you the work of adding the background blur artificially. Not bashing, just curious.
Simply lowering the f-stop isn't always a feasible option. The original lighting in the shot was very dark actually and a lot of that depends on lens too. Not much light to work with and I wasn't working with the fastest of glass either. I often add blur to a shot. In this case it's creeping into the subject which normally I would just drop out, blur the background and then reinsert the subject but I did this one differently.
The blur doesn't bother me on the edges. In fact I could probably add more to the entire back quarter of the car giving it a smoother DOF.
I dunno... I try lots of different things.