Originally Posted by munz
i'm not sure, i think i might have seen it so i'll have a look thanks
very keen to take the car for a drive (have things to do etc) my only concern now is what to do between now and getting the oil changed. should i not drive at all, or just not drive at high revs (i'm assuming the accumulation takes time)?
The internet is good but its also very very bad. Its easy to get all worked up over nothing over *any* topic there is a forum for
Relax. Take a breath. The car is not ruined. As a few posters have stated, you can just drive the car change the oil after 5K if you like. If you want more peace of mind, just drop the oil tomorrow at any local mechanic/shop and have them put in 5 quarts of 5/30 regular oil. There is no need to wait 2 weeks was my point.
If you want to run synthetic oil in your car all the time, or Nissan ester oil, that is your choice but there are tons of oil threads here that you can read up on.
More important then what brand oil you run is the simple fact that you change it at regular intervals. I follow the factory schedule while under warranty, and off warranty I use synthetic with a more reasonable extended service interval backed up by analysis results of the oil.
The Z's schedule is very conservative.
- b