Yea, I'll be there. Helping Johnny move into his new house tomorrow. I need to get back on the dyno sometime soon so I can show you what WTQ looks like w/o a damn exhaust leak! RAWR! I'm actually looking forward to hearing your car with the Re-circ's, I bet it's going to sound sik!!!
Yesterday at the shop my METH line decided to burst and make fire, lucky I was on the dyno and not on the highway. I didn't have any damage, but if I were on the road, even my fire extinguisher would have been too late. My advice to anyone wanting to run methonal is use a braided line, my lines were no where near heat sources either :/ I got lucky! I'll be using the Snow Performance lines or doing a custom line setup in the future. This has happened to a few cars I know of using the AEM kit

the other cars didn't make it out as well as me!