Originally Posted by happytheman
Man, I just could not catch a break today!
Washed her yesterday.
It rained on her today.
Lawn guys blew grass on her today.
Had to work late..came out @ 12am to find that the sprinklers had been turned on her while I was toiling away inside.
Good night all my cool friends. I'm sorry I have not been able to dedicate much time chatting with you all for a few days. It's just that I've been so busy. 

I guess it was just in the Z owners stars to have crappy days yesterday. I found a mistake at work (I am a quality auditor) that is gonna get a good guy fired and then five minutes later while at break I dropped my cell phone and it landed touch screen first....so now I have spiderweb touch screen

and have to go waste money on a new phone.