Thank you for reporting it. This has been a latest issue and thousands of forum, website, WP owners are affected. Google is aware of the problem as well. It kinda raised a red flag on their software when they saw all these big forums having their site redirected to another spam site. Google sent out 20,000 emails to forum, website owners last week to let them know they are affected as many owners have NO clue their site is redirected on google. I Never use google to go to my site.
I'm working on the issue and it's NOT a easy task. So please have patience. In the mean time, I want you to
a. Make the370Z your homepage. You're on here 24/7 anyway so making it homepage will prevent you from getting that error link. If you do not want to make it your homepage on your browser permanently, just do it until the problem is fixed. Thanks
b. Avoid using Google to search the370z and click on it. THE370Z is 7 letter website name. Just go to the top address bar and type "". It's quicker.
I'll keep you guys posted what happens. thanks