This is what I was able to find in the service manual. This might be helpful when combined with the information from Fritz, and the Steering lock DIY thread. Basically, this info may be relavant to some, and it might not...
This is the Steering lock connector, I have not found full schematics in the service manual as of yet. All that is needed for this is to stick your head under the dash and record the wires and locations,
Here is the Steering Lock in relation to the BCM and IPDM E/R
Here is a break down of the wiring, what conditions to look for and when,
This is the conditions for wires 97(L) and 98(P) these wires also goto the IPDM E/R as wire 32(L) and 33(P). The service manual lists wire 97 as S/L Condition 1 and wire 98 as S/L Condition 2. It looks as though wire 32/97 is S/L Lock and wire 33/98 is S/L Unlock
Here is the condition for wire 106
Here is the condition for wire 111
conditions at the BCM
wire location at BCM
If there is something specific someone needs or wants to see, let me know and I'll do my best to find it.
Also, use your brain before you start digging around the wiring in your car, I'm not responsible for any problems you might cause or encounter from this information.