So anyone here

for the third installment of Diablo less than one month away? Anyone have any feedback on the beta?
We'll I guess I get to start. First, I'm addicted to the Diablo series. I used to be a big PC gamer in/after high school, but it seems that Diablo 2 was the only game that really stuck with me after I stopped gaming a number of years ago. To my shame, I still have two active D2 accounts, 15 loaded chars between them, 6 of which are ladder chars. I haven't really played them in over a year, but I still make sure to keep them active and do some mf runs every so often. If anyone wants some free gear, PM me
I got hooked up with a D3 beta key very early on Patch 3 (currently on Patch 18). The beta maxes at level 13 and the few people I know who had a key tired of it very quickly. I have played it regularly and have really enjoyed the changes as Blizzard has continued developing the game in its final stages. Like, I said I'm addicted.
Skills are completely different, but I think the system has good potential. You basically have the ability to completely switch up your attack and defense skills any time you want. To discourage this in the heat of battle there is a short cool down period before you can use your newly changed skill. There are also a series of runes for each skill. These runes can be selected with a click of a button, just like choosing your skill. The rune effects vary from extending range or adding damage to completely changing the skill (e.g. at one point there was a wizard skill that shot a freezing beam of ice across the entire screen but with a rune it became a swirling ice storm encircling your char in a medium radius). I really like this ability to switch up your attack strategically when encountering enemy bosses.
Auction House is excellent, especially since you can switch currencies between in-game gold or blizzard bucks, which can be exchanged for games, accessories, or even cash money on I didn't play WoW, so I don't have much prior experience with AH, but it seems awesome. The beta AH goes down regularly, but Blizzard is constantly doing maintenance so its to be expected. I fully expect it will be ready for launch.
Item drops are ALL YOURS. Each char gets their own drops only seen on their screen, so no more scrambling for uber rare items against 7 other players. And no more clicking on gold

Just run over it with you char. Items can increase your pick up radius, too.
There's lots more I could say, but I'll leave it at that and wait for some responses.
A few humorous side notes: my wife calls D2 the cow game cause when we first started dating she would show up while I was in the middle of a cow run with the sound up and all the cows going Moo Moo, Moo, Mooo, Mooooo (hold on, almost done babe

) On the beta game loading screen it has some text that is usually a helpful hint. But there is one message, which I showed my wife and she bust out laughing. It just says "There is no Cow Level".
And if you don't know what Diablo 3 is, please come out from under the rock you have been living under and check out
Diablo III (j/k
