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Old 04-19-2012, 03:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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fritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to beholdfritz is a splendid one to behold
Default Steering Lock: cut one wire. /switch optional

The locks are becoming a legal requirement in some county or country annual tests. They seem to have limited operational cycle durability due to "wrong oil" "too much oil" and other Nissan excuses. Car immobilization due to lock failures causes new lock expenditure (USD 550 in USA and EUR 1500 in Europe).

MISSION: Prolong lock life. Delete small "key" warning.

EXECUTION: Eliminate (or greatly reduce later) lock operating cycles by rendering the lock non-operational. (adding a switch later switches it from inop to normal).

TOOLS: Small mirror: wire snips, small: flashlight: magnifiying glass.
A box: One foot or so square by about 3 feet long to lie on, one's head under steering lock.

HOW: Be sure the steering lock is NOT locked.
Lie on your back looking at the lock. Press its release and remove the connector. Look deep inside the connection for the numbers. Number one pin or hole should connect to a Brown wire which is next to a yellow and has a black below it.
Cut the brown (1/2"-5/8" from its connector 'cos you may want to solder it later).

ADMIN:Tape back the wire ends and re-fit the connector to the lock. Start engine. If not then the lock was engaged (locked) just re-connect the wire ends and unlock it.

RESULT: The power to the electric motor is cut. It cannot lock. It also cannot show a tell-tale in the instruments. Both internal microswitches are pressed correctly.

THE FUTURE: I fitted a switch to those two wire ends. Connected, and the lock is normal. Switched off and the lock stays in whatever position it was in when switched (which could be EXTRA anti-theft to beat electronics key- copier thievery.)

At your own risk ! ...and

Bless our legislators.

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