[QUOTE=LakeShow;1672827]If someone is taking pictures of your car and you happen to be walking back to your car would you wait for them to take pictures and leave or go up to your car while they are still taking pictures.[/QUOTE

always get the same response and same look too, like "OH! THATS YOUR CAR?!?! I I I I was just taking a picture and admiring it" the Satisfaction feeling you get after you first hit the unlock door button and see the lights flash a few times and see the people's heads start glancing over this way and that way... is priceless. "who owns this? " lol

Why yes..
Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs, The Ford Commericals,Deadliest Catch.. is my cousin.
i outta back hand you with my right hand! and call you b*tch!..... and im Left handed!