Who has Meisterschaft Exhaust? If yes, Answer my questions please!!!
Hello Z Members!
i'ven seen the video and loved the sound. But I also hear other
complains that It is so loud that makes ur ears bleed, gets you headache,
and can't even drive around if you live in quite neighborhood
because its too loud.
Also I've checked out VIVIDRACING.com + Meisterschaft's website
and want to know why vivid is more cheaper than main
It would be Great!!!!
1. I know it's loud but can you drive around in the neighborhood not waking them up?
2. does It does not sound like ferrari? It does to me from the video but in reality, I haven't heard of it
3. I do listen to rap or R&B and volumn up between 15 to 20 (not max) Does it pass those limit?
I am really really considering to buy it but I would like to know better before i regret it next day. All i care about is Awsome Sound and Don't want to be an *** to neighborhood or seening in pain a person sitting next to me cause of loudness or even myself lol
But Thanks for reading my thread! drive safe and you have beautiful day!!!