After some research I found QBE60G - Quaife Engineering is selling this for £5,438.00 which equates to $7,134.13 (current exchange rate). If you purchase this item within the U.S. you are excluded from VAT charges.
To order one with the 350 housing will cost £6190 = $8119.23. They do not currently make a bell housing that fits the 370Z and I have yet to find any proof that the bolt pattern for the 350Z (Z33) and the 370Z (Z34) are the same.
The Truth, it hurts sometimes. FI LTH & FI CF CBE. This is a 370Z forum, if I want to fling poo at another brand of car and your feelings get hurt, then you're hanging out in the wrong forum (cry elsewhere).
Last edited by Nismodean; 04-19-2012 at 01:58 AM.
Reason: Additional info.