Originally Posted by Mike
well, I must say, the one time that mine went out, they felt just a little soft in one corner, so I backed off, and by the time I coasted into the pits a half mile later it took me about 50 feet to stop from 20 mph. When they do go, they give very little clue.
^ what he said.
I nearly lost the car at Long Beach this weekend to this exact problem. The fluid boils and you have no pedal. For 10 laps everything was good, then I had 2 soft stops and then it was *gone*.
Well routed ducting is what you need. Duct intakes that are inside the frame rails have to make too many turns to get good airflow to the brakes - you need something that starts outside the frame rails (requires cutting holes in the front facia) or comes in from underneath the car.