sometimes you may have to sacrifice on some options especially if you are not ordering a new model. Since existing models maybe already sold or in short #s for the specs you are looking for, I would recommend being flexible on the options.
Now, if you were to order a new model then you could order one with your specifications and wait for it. But since you want a 2011, I would say go to a couple dealers, tell them what specs you are looking for. Meanwhile keep researching on I found it very helpful during my car buying process. Some dealers told me there were no new red 2011 370s anywhere on the east coast. I jumped on and found my baby sitting in a nissan lot in NJ.
So just be patient and keep your research up online and with dealers, also keep in mind what I said about being flexible on your specifications as this is a 2011 model. Do that, and you should be able to find what you are looking for, or atleast one close to it