Amen, Unknown 370Z...HOW did I miss your post ? You learned at an early age what some people NEVER learn...It is a curse and a blessing in one...
I am glad you are still here...I know the feeling..Again, i am so glad you are still with us..
I did not learn it until I was 50...I had the first TIA while my Parents were both Dying and I was buying a home..I survived it..But missed crucial last days with my Parents..Such is Life.
Then , I start to feel funny a year Later..Of course I have forgotten about my TIA, and I am full speed ahead, Fixing the Home, Promotion, blah, blah, blah..
I stay home from work due to a fever..Well it turns out I have a bad heart valve that is prone to Infection. My heart got infected to a point of having so much "vegitation", that it threw a piece into my right brain, paralyzing me in my Kitchen..
All I could think about was my Wife and my Cats...I know, what a dork..My cats.
I survived and it has been two years... I am on my bucket Lists, within reason. I have to leave my Wife set up for life, so I can't just blow the wad..
Oh , the moral to my Book for all that have not experienced near death..
A. Set up a Will and Trust. My Wife , as I was Dying, had to call a trust attorney to come to my death Bed, to set up my trust..Had I died in the Kitchen, she would have been screwed by Uncle Sam.. I did my trust and Will, on my Bed, with a Notary and Attorney in the Hospital..
B. If you are younger, begin your Portfolio now.. I was going to retire at 62 because I have planned a long time with all the Financial Fundamentals.
When i got blindsided in 2009, right after buying the Home, my Wife and I would be financially ruined..We are not due to long term planning..Even 10 years early in retirement, I will make it..
C. The obvious that Unknown370Z and Charlie and others talk about..There is no guarantee of the next second..let alone the next day.