Originally Posted by Sndtgr08
When I searched I saw the group buys with flash tune only for $500(30 minutes and your out the door), with options for +$150 more for custom tune + dyno. This group by was for the full package. I dont want them to just zap my car, I want a pro to tune it too. I do miss alot and may have missed something else going on in 2012, you should start a thread.
damn, I didn't know protuner shops even did these. From my experience the tuners want to get it on the dyno to make sure its perfect... Even if their profit isn't as high. Maybe its just a west coast thing tho IDK
If you're going to do it you better do the full dyno tune, for $500 with no dyno you're better off getting Osiris standard direct from uprev with the etunes. At least then you get the cable.
Bump for a good price on a legit dyno tune tho