Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
You know there in most higher end pioneers right?
You do know that certification does not really do much. It is like a marriage certificate nothing changes. You do not need one to be a good installer. To bot, even if I did/had the Certification. You would still give me crap. So in the end there is no making a troll happy.
And yes I warn people of the potential problems they could encounter for owning one.
This is not the place to start an argument. Start a thread and we can go from there.
Not trying to start any arguments………just trying to clarify and justify your statements concerning your claims about (potential) problems with Pioneer.
You must be able to clarify and justify your responses. You proved and showed nothing. You just make statements because you can! Know the facts before you post!! For example…..”Pico Fuse” problems……..what model(s)??
You stated “You do know that certification does not really do much” …….. are you considering becoming a standup comedian?