Originally Posted by drdre8424
Hopefully someone can answer me w/o starting a new thread.
I'm looking to get a car cover, is there any brand that i should be looking for, and where is it sold?
California Car Cover company.1 800 423-5525. The best around.They have been making covers for show,exotic and custom cars for years.
Just received mine.$179 for cover and $6.99 for a storage bag.With shipping from Calif to New Jersey total was $200.97! So if you are closer it will be even less.Top quality and a real fair price!
Of course Nissan has one but after learning about the paint issues I've been having and everyone else I don't trust Nissan with there cheap junk.They over charge for everything and the quality is 3rd best as far as I'am concerned.Just me 2 cents!