Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
I really don't see why people complain that they can't speak in the car. There's some tire noise but I speak to my wife fine. It may be age related hearing loss. The only time my tires are unbearable is on those black tar/embedded gravel country roads. That's when I'm like lord help me. But even then. I understand what I bought. I have the choice of taking the quiet azz altima with the conti's or my Z. The 11's are a little quieter than the 09, but I had the 09 and though it was a little louder. Neither car was unbearable... just FM roads are annoying. If road noise was an issue? I would have bought the camaro with the supersoft luxury like pirelli's.
Are you saying Old Guy is old?
Are you saying hearing loss makes the tire noise LOUDER?