Originally Posted by Wiggins3377
I'd be interested in this as well. I have a bunch of aftermarket stuff sitting in boxes right now (Springs, read camber arms, Gen3 intake) and more coming in the way of wheels and front lip.
alright if you all want i can have a few of you over for a small install party, NO DOUCHBAGGERY WILL BE TOLLERATED, nor will drinking and driving.
im pretty busy on my weekends duw to constantly being out of town, next weekend i will be in NC for my wife, but the weekend after that actually could work. not trying to have 15 guys here just 3-4, we could def install those Springs, read camber arms, Gen3 intakes in a few hours with a few guys working together. If you are up for this pm me.
it would have to be a saturday also, not sunday install that is the wifes day...