Originally Posted by Alchemy
Gmorning guys  Getting ready to spin some wrenches and get dirty
Anyone who is running sway bars, what settings are you using???
Also, Mr. onzedge & Mr. dAvenue, what settings are you running on your Konis??
All input is appreciated. Have a great weekend guys 
For swaybars it recommended to start with soft front, soft rear. Your suspension setup, alignment, etc. will have an effect on your swaybars, so it's good to expirement with them. I went with soft front, middle rear. It's not bad, but I'm going to try hard front middle rear and see the difference. I haven't noticed any unwarranted over/under steer with my current setup, but figure it's easy enought to change the settings on the swaybar, so I'll experiment.
Have fun turning wrenches today.